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Tobogganing: pure winter fun

Ever heard of tobogganing?

Get ready for speedy winter fun!

In winter, St. Anton am Arlberg is the place to be. Leave your skis at home for once and get your dose of adrenalin with tobogganing.

One thing is for sure: Winter rhymes with fun, at least at Arpuria hidden luxury mountain home. Ever been tobogganing on the Gampen? No? Then it’s high time to do so! Why? Because tobogganing at the Arlberg is plenty of fun. And because not only one but four toboggan runs are waiting to be discovered by you!

Curious? Here are Arpuria’s Top 3 Reasons why WE LOVE TOBOGGANING

  1. A full-body workout in the snow: Pulling your toboggan up the mountain not only tones your legs, but also strengthens your arms and back. And on the descent, your whole body is being trained – and your heart is filled with happiness!
  2. A dose of fresh air: Step after step, invigorating winter air fills your lungs and boosts your circulation. And then, while whizzing back down towards the valley, you can’t help but scream with joy. The perfect way to relieve stress!
  3. Family-time and togetherness: Tobogganing is a thousand times more fun when you’re with others. A good chat during the ascent, a cup of hot chocolate in the mountain hut, or sharing your favourite moments in the Aria Spa or sauna at the end of the day – the perfect way to make memories for a lifetime.

The 4-kilometre natural toboggan run on the Gampen starts in Nasserein at an altitude of 1,850 metres above sea level. The fast descent on the winding trail takes around 15 minutes. You can hire your toboggan in one of the sports shops in St. Anton. And if you need tips or recommendations, the Arpuria team is always there to help. 

If you would like to whizz down snowy slopes under the starry sky, head straight to Oberlech. The local toboggan run is around 1.2 kilometres long and suitable for night-time tobogganing thanks to floodlights.

One last thing: Make sure to wear a helmet, winter boots, and warm clothes for the Tyrolean winter fun. Ready?

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